The Semester is Ending

Just 6 more days of class before the semester ends. I’m gonna end the semester of a bang, and will provide my best work towards the end to prove to myself that I have improve greatly.

Right now we are ending many projects, in Tony’s classes we are working on the final pages of our magazine. Currently I’m on the featured article spread and got two out of the four pages done. After finishing all four I’ll move onto the 2nd article.

Another project we are working on is with Rick’s class with New Media Dev. We’re coding our websites for our quote on quote client Chef Jacquline finally. It’s fun, but that does give me an idea for our personal websites for portfolio. I could code it myself, cause I heard it’s more impressive.

Looking back on this Semester, I’m glad I made it this far. It just shows how much hard work I put into it.