Almost a full week but I’m counting it.

Finally we have gotten a full week of class well, almost. We had Monday off but I’m counting it.

But we finally got to learn and do stuff because last week was just syllabus and get into class stuff. This week we actually got to be creative, and we’re revising our magazines! Looking back it with fresh eyes after winter break really shows the minor details I forgot about. Such as random commas missing, and some pieces of the text as well.

But this week really opened my eyes to the concept of orphans. Tony thought this and it just became ingrained in my mind this week.

It sounds weird, but orphans in this context means a word left on a line by itself. It just feels off next to everything else which has full sentences. So I went around fixing that and random hyphens throughout.

I also want to fix up the ads, as they’re my first work for the semester and three of them need some minor work to look even better.