
  • Week 4 now has passed.

    Time passes by so fast. It has been a month in the classes now. Now I’m drowning in the amount of work I been assigned. I have a total of 6 classes and a lot of them give you a lot of work. Such as Psychology in the workplace and also Social Media. These are two classes that are online which requires a bit more work than the physical classes I’m in.

    But it’ll be worth in eventually, as these classes are teaching me good information I can use in my future work. I believe my social media class will provide me with a lot of information cause Graphic Design and Social Media goes hand and hand together. Psychology as well, cause knowing the stuff about the mind will help you design better. As colors provide different feelings to people. Red with passion while blue provides tranquillity.

    Still, it’s a lot of work and I have to finish the stuff before things pill up on each other.

  • A personal experience

    I been fond of plants for a while now. Ever since the final semester of my senior year in high school. It started off with a pothos from walmart.

    Fun Fact: I almost went into the horticulture career here at Southeast Tech. Sometimes I like to imagine how my life would be different depending on which degree I chose instead. Some options were Interior Design, Horticulture, Nursing, Dermatologist, and Scientist.

    Though I am glad I chosen Graphic Design. I made many friends and created wonderful memories with them. Plus the learning of the industry and what they do has been a blast.

  • Another week has passed

    The week just ended for me technically, since I don’t have classes on Friday. But still I’ll be working on other classes. As the weeks go by we add on more projects. Which is fun because I get to work more and more with my programs. Allowing me to get more experience. Which is better than the last two weeks of doing writing assignments and stuff that’s not related to creating things.

    Overall, my classes for my major have been fun. GenEDs are GenEDs, they’re there. Though I wish they weren’t online because it’s a bit hard to learn online. Even though it’s hard, I will push through because in this industry you cannot let yourself go down. Never give up.

  • Learning in my media classes

    This week so far, I learned a lot in my media classes. Classes are starting to go up in difficulties. As we started classes a few weeks ago. This is our third week so we’re actually getting into learning stuff now.

    Today I learned more about the magazine project we’re working on. As it’s the overall project we’re doing for this semester. Our portfolios is next semester. Today we started working on the ads for the magazine but firstly we did calculations and such for the ads sizes and such. I learned you have to account for many things, such as bleeds, gutter space, margins, etc in order to get an accurate size for the ad.

  • What I learned

    This week I technically started my social media class. As last week every class was just syllabus and random things. This week we’re actually learning about stuff.

    In my social media class I learned about the term “interaction first, channel second.” It means that you should focus on interaction first before choosing the channel you want to broadcast it to. Basically it means to think about consumers first. I think that’s important in graphic design.

    We may be designing to make stuff objectively pretty. But we must think of the consumer, as they’re the ones purchasing or potentially purchasing our goods or service. Keeping them in mind as we design will make us good designers.

  • 2nd week back into classes

    Its been two weeks now since we started classes. We been slowly bouncing back into projects and such. Though right now it’s been mostly written assignments from the instructors.

    Although I am excited to start working on the magazine in Tony’s class. He’s in the ER so we cannot do much till then. But the idea of creating your own magazine and doing everything sounds amazing. I wonder if we’ll get them printed or something like that.

    I’m guessing the magazine will be the combination of everything we learned so far working together to create it. Like Photography and Layout! Cannot wait till we start the project.

  • Packaging

    A few days ago I seen this cup noodle at the Bookstore.

    What caught my eye was the color scheme of this packaging. The Blueish Green with the Orangey Brown compliments each other so well. It pleases the consumer’s eyes. I might pull this color-scheme for future projects.

    Also the graphics on the cup are well designed, they’re cartoony enough yet semi realistic. This style I like and I could incorporate it into one of my designs.

    I was tempted to purchase this item, but then I remembered what flavor it is. Although I would purchase this for display.

  • Logos I seen around town

    Through the summer, I been driving around town. Which lead to me to view so many different types of logos. But the ones I want to talk about today are the poorly designed logos.

    Logos that look rather unprofessional looking, or that they are designed by someone who was a beginner. Or the logo looks rather outdated in the modern sense.

    Seeing them makes me wanna redesign them, revise their logos into something different. Being in this major has really opened my eyes up about a lot of designs.

  • making designs for my sister

    So my sister asked me ( since im Graphic Design Degree ) to create a logo for her band section. She plays the euphonium which is something I learned. Anyways I hopped onto my program and created the logo for her. Basing it off of whoever designed the logo before ( they were attempting to create one ).

    I edited aspects of their design and threw my logo onto some shorts for a mockup. I did not remove the background fully because it was a quick mockup for her.

    I don’t know if she’s gonna use my design, but it’s good practice.

    her design at first
    my design
    mockup 1
    mockup 2
  • Mother’s Day Present

    Today I worked on a present for my mom for mother’s day. Last year we went to Vietnam in July 2023. Where I took a lot of photos. So I decided to make a photobook for her. Firstly I went to find an outline of the country of Vietnam. Then I created a mask in that shape in Photoshop, and began to layer on the images of all the people who went on the Vietnam Trip with us and applying the mask to all of them.

    Then switching over to illustrator I added the text and such. Before printing it out onto sticker paper to apply to the photobook for my mother. It turned out well, but the sticker paper I used was very clear but eh. It worked. I like using what I learned in class in the real world. Plus I printed out the photos and now I need to purchase more printer ink.