Week 4 now has passed.

Time passes by so fast. It has been a month in the classes now. Now I’m drowning in the amount of work I been assigned. I have a total of 6 classes and a lot of them give you a lot of work. Such as Psychology in the workplace and also Social Media. These are two classes that are online which requires a bit more work than the physical classes I’m in.

But it’ll be worth in eventually, as these classes are teaching me good information I can use in my future work. I believe my social media class will provide me with a lot of information cause Graphic Design and Social Media goes hand and hand together. Psychology as well, cause knowing the stuff about the mind will help you design better. As colors provide different feelings to people. Red with passion while blue provides tranquillity.

Still, it’s a lot of work and I have to finish the stuff before things pill up on each other.