Update on criticism, we didn’t have class that day due to my instructor being out with an illness. Which sucks but life goes on.
We’re approaching the eye of the storm now with projects, as we approach the portfolio show and amass many different projects and things to do. Everything’s due on April 30th and I have to focus.
My goal is to get progress on everything and get finished a few days before April 30th in order to get some proofing done too. I know these next few weeks will fly by fast, which is bittersweet. You want classes to end so fast, and when the horizon finally comes close. You realize you’re gonna miss it. You’re gonna miss being together with these people, you may dislike some, and like others. But you’re part of a collective that has been together for almost two years now.
It’s sad but that’s life. We cannot hold onto the past, we just gotta figure out our futures.